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Safe shopping
Concerned for the health and safety of our customers, we have prepared solutions, so that visitors to our Gallery can feel comfortable. We follow the guidelines and react to changes introduced by the government.
In Galeria Katowicka we take care of the safety of our customers and employees on a daily basis. We follow the guidelines and introduce additional solutions to increase safety.
Please keep a min. 1,5 m distance between people in the Gallery.
Shopping safety at Katowicka depends on each and every one of us. We should follow the safety instructions posted in the facility and on the website, as well as the instructions given by the personnel of the centre and the individual shops. Let us be responsible and safe.
- Read the safety instructions and recommendations, which you will find, among other things, on the front door of Galeria Katowicka, on the shop windows, on the website and in our social media profiles.
- Keep a safe distance of 1,5 metres from other customers.
- Remember to cover your mouth and nose in the entire Galeria Katowicka area.
- Disinfect hands or wear disposable gloves in shops.
- Put used gloves and disposable masks in the bin for mixed waste.
- Try to use cashless payments in shops and services.
- Comply with new toilet safety rules.
- If you see something disturbing – inform a security guard.
- Observe the safety rules in force in Galeria Katowicka.
- At the entrances to Galeria Katowicka we have placed dispensers with hand disinfectant.
- Dispensers with antibacterial liquid are also located by the toilets.
- We have introduced additional regular disinfection of floors, corridors and waste bins, benches, flower pots, door handles, handrails.
- We have placed in the toilets instructions for washing hands and safe removal of masks and disposable gloves, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.
- Hebe (level 0)
- Gatta (level -1)
- Lepardus (level -1)
- Marilyn (level -1)
- Nipplex (level 1)
- PAWO (level 2)
- Pralnia EBS (level -1)
- Pasmanteria (level -1)
- Rossmann (level -1)
- Stokrotka (level -1)
- Super-Pharm (level 0)