The car park in Galeria Katowicka is open 24 hours a day.

You can enter the Galeria Katowicka underground car park from Słowackiego Street or from both sides of the tunnel on Dworcowa Street.

The first hour is free. The charge for each subsequent commenced hour is PLN 4.

The first hour is free. The charge for each subsequent commenced hour is PLN 4.

Yes. If you wish to purchase a parking subscription, please call the Car Park Office or go there in person.
The Parking Office is located on level -2, sector C4
Phone number: (32) 41 41 724

The parking fee is charged from the moment the ticket is taken from the machine. The first hour of parking is free.

No. Galeria Katowicka customers can use an hour of free parking. The charge for each subsequent commenced hour is 4 PLN.

The parking ticket can be paid at the parking machines located in the car park by the entrance door to Galeria Katowicka. If the customer has not exceeded 2 hours of free parking, he/she can use the ticket directly at the exit.

The entrance to the car park, which is open 24 hours a day, is from the side of the railway station.

In order to buy a subscription to the Galeria Katowicka car park, you need to call the Car Park Office or go there in person.
The Parking Office is located on level -2, sector C4
Phone number: (32) 41 41 724


Yes. The phone can be recharged on the mezzanine and in the co-working room, where there are sockets. At the Information Desk, you can borrow a powerbank with a cable against a returnable deposit.

KatoKarta is Galeria Katowicka’s loyalty application, where customers can receive rewards for their purchases. More information at

KatoKarta is not a Resident’s Card. Information about the Resident’s Card is available in the City Hall.

Yes, you can enter Galeria Katowicka with your dog. The animal should have a muzzle.

Yes. In Galeria Katowicka at the Info Desk you can use scanning, photocopying, printing, as well as a tablet with Internet access. Printing of documents is also possible at Mister Minit.

Yes. On level +2 there is a specially designated co-working space for people who work remotely, do freelance work or want to work for a while on their way to a client meeting. It is a free space, equipped with basic work tools.

Yes. It is possible to rent the co-working space in Galeria Katowicka for training sessions, lectures or business meetings for a fee.

Co-working in Galeria Katowicka can be booked by calling: 32 41 41 601. The rental cost is 100 PLN/h gross. Detailed regulations are available at:


Not. On the +1 level in the corridor between Adidas and Vision Express you will find safe deposit lockers where you can leave excess luggage.

Lockers are open during the opening hours of the Gallery. The cost of leaving items in one safe deposit box is PLN 5.

No. This can be done at the railway station.

Yes. On the +1 level in the corridor between Adidas and Vision Express you will find safe deposit lockers where you can leave excess luggage.

Lockers are open during the opening hours of the Gallery. The cost of leaving items in one safe deposit box is PLN 5.

Yes. On the +1 level in the corridor between Adidas and Vision Express you will find safe deposit lockers where you can leave excess luggage.

Lockers are open during the opening hours of the Gallery. The cost of leaving items in one safe deposit box is PLN 5.

The Info Desk in Galeria Katowicka is located on level 0, at the main entrance from 3-go Maja Street.

The Info Desk in Galeria Katowicka can be contacted by phone at 32 41 41 601 and by email at during the shopping centre’s opening hours.

NOT. The phone can be recharged on the mezzanine and in the co-working room, where there are sockets. At the Information Desk, you can borrow a powerbank with a cable against a returnable deposit.

Not. On the +1 level in the corridor between Adidas and Vision Express you will find safe deposit lockers where you can leave excess luggage.

Lockers are open during the opening hours of the Gallery. The cost of leaving items in one safe deposit box is PLN 5.

There are 3 toilets for parent and child in Galeria Katowicka.

Level -1 – next to the Reporter Young store.
Level +1 – next to the Felina shop.
Level +2 – next to the Reserved shop.

Any adult with a child may use the parent and child toilets in Galeria Katowicka.

The Quiet Room is a dedicated space for people who, as a result of their current condition, require a temporary cut-off from external stimuli. The place is an integral part of the “Katowicka for Autism” programme. The Quiet Room is located on level +1, next to toilets by the Reserved shop.

In order to gain access to the Quiet Room, you need to use the video intercom, located right at the entrance door to the room.



Yes, there are two parcel machines in Galeria Katowicka: one in the underground car park and one near the railway station.

Yes. Only restaurants and cafes are open on non-trading Sundays in Galeria Katowicka. On trading Sundays all retail and service outlets in Galeria Katowicka are open.

Opening hours of Galeria Katowicka:
Monday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-8PM

A full list of shops in Galeria Katowicka is available at:

Details of the location of all shops in Galeria Katowicka are available at:

The contact details for the shops in Galeria Katowicka can be found at:

In order to return an item you need to visit the store where you purchased it.

Yes, there is an Auto Spa car wash on the premises of Galeria Katowicka.

You can find the full price list here:

Yes, there is a Konstanty Wolny Railway Station in the immediate vicinity of Galeria Katowicka.


Yes, the Galeria Katowicka gift card can be purchased at the Information Desk or via the website (however purchase via the website involves additional fees for foreign transfer).

In all Galeria Katowicka locations accepting Mastercard, excluding IQOS shop, Tchibo, as well as in selected shopping stands (islands): Cloudshop and Obwarzanki Krakowskie.

Unused funds within 365 days are forfeited.

Points which have not been redeemed in the programme will expire 3 months after they have been earned. There is no possibility of prolonging their validity, except when collecting the prize was not possible due to unrelated reasons, e.g. lockdown.

Yes. Current job vacancies can be found at: